Tuesday, August 9, 2011

There Will Be Blood (or at least, vicious arguing)

Okay, by now you all know we are lauching the website on September 1st, God willing and the creeks don't rise. Here's the dealio: the Husband and I are wrangling over the best way to tease the release of "The Devil Stood Up". ONE of us wants a tasteful, typeset block:

While the OTHER ONE of us wants some crazy Devil eyes from Fotolia.com (good site, btw):

Please weigh in before we go WWF all over eachother. Believe me...I am up for the challenge.
You'll get to see who WINS on September 1st!


furiousBall said...

I like the devil eyes, but if you could animate the words in the first image. Have them fade in and out between the eyes.

Anonymous said...

I like the devil eyes! My eyes were immediately drawn to it. The first block print style was a little boring! I would go with the scary devil eyes!

Michaline said...

definitely the devil eyes. Pictures have more impact-especially that one.

tombenfatti said...

Where is the ass kicking? Yah, yah, yah!

Adrienne said...

Devil Eyes!!!!!!!!

rboal said...

I also like the eyes. Can't the word " horrifying " be put behind or make it transparent within the picutre with the eyes? KEEP THE EYES

Christine DiFilippo said...

I like the eyes, I would pick that up to see what it is about...

Gwyn said...

I think a flash of creepy, dark, glowing red devil eyes would really catch a viewers attention. "They" would say, holy sh**! what was that?!

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry but I can't get behind either one of them. You'll both know it when it's right. I suggest you keep trying.

Anonymous said...

EYES - all the way!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I am one of those people who judges a book by it's cover....definitely drawn to the devil eyes.....lol