So, two bits of news. Well, three, I guess. If you count health updates as news or newsworthy. The maybe-maybe not newsworthy bit first, then:
My health has been terrible. I had four major things go
wrong all in the space of ten days. I won’t detail them all, but I will tell
you the culmination of the ten horrible days was an emergency route canal. It
was like the diarrhea icing on the shit cake. A gross analogy, but there it is.
On to the real news.
Evil Eight has released. This is my latest collection of
short stories and I’m really excited for it. The shorts get written in between the novels, and it warms my heart when I have the opportunity to group them together in a book. It gives them a quality of substantiation, if that makes sense.
Here is the Amazon link and book

Christine Dougherty's newest collection of short stories
will have you up late into the night and then chase you down in the nightmares
which are sure to follow. Zombies, Vampires, Ghosts and Human monsters alike
crowd the pages of Evil Eight. Contains the best selling short story 'Stephen
SECURE, Safe behind the wall.
SOUL MATES, Til death do us part. Or not.
STEPHEN KING, You don't mess with the King.
JUNKER, A father's love goes too far.
HIT, Based on actual events.
THE MUST HAVE, Christmas is gonna be a bitch.
KIDS TODAY, George Hart really likes kids.
ONE NIGHT ONLY IN THE HAUNTED WOODS, Halloween never felt so bad.
SECURE, Safe behind the wall.
SOUL MATES, Til death do us part. Or not.
STEPHEN KING, You don't mess with the King.
JUNKER, A father's love goes too far.
HIT, Based on actual events.
THE MUST HAVE, Christmas is gonna be a bitch.
KIDS TODAY, George Hart really likes kids.
ONE NIGHT ONLY IN THE HAUNTED WOODS, Halloween never felt so bad.
Anyone local to me will recognize HIT from the news. I put
my own spin on it and gave it an ending, since in real life, it has remained a
mystery as to what happened. All names, characters and intimate events are
invented. The story (the actual story) bothered me so much while it was going
on, it was almost a compulsion to ‘finish’ it. I still find myself keeping an
eye on the woods when I am driving in particular areas. Somebody is out there.
More than half of the concepts for the stories came from the
husband. So glad he’s got some kind of story-forming spark. It’s an almost
unfair advantage for me.
The next thing is that the anthology I was invited to
participate in is close to publication! The book contains twenty six demon-themed short stories. Here is the info on it from the
publisher, Western Legends Publishing:
The Demonologia Biblica
We’re excited to share this with you. A sneak peek at the
full cover of our latest anthology, The Demonologia Biblica, edited by
Dean M. Drinkel. Check out this great list of authors Dean assembled, you
might recognize a few names:
Barbie Wilde
Tracie McBride
Kate Jonez
Simon Kurt Unsworth
Raven Dane
Jonathan Green
Daniel I. Russell
Christine Dougherty
Mark West
Emile-Louis Tomas Jouvet
Nerine Dorman
Adrian Chamberlin
Sean Sweeney
Andy Taylor
Sam Stone
Sandra Norval
Nicholas Vince
Cover Artist: James Powell
Hey, look at that! My name is on the list with a whole bunch
of real writers! Does this make me a real writer, too?
I’ll post again when it becomes available for purchase. I’m
hoping to have some available for Monster Mania Con in March. Fingers crossed.